Boise State University
Social Psychology
Welcome to Dr. Ayers' Social Psychology site!
So, why is there a website for this class? In short, the purpose of this site is to show off al of the cool things that students of this course think, discover, and make while learning about social psychology.
What do you think of when you hear the words "social psychology"?
What makes someone attractive?
What comes to mind when you hear the words "prosocial behavior"?
What groups are you a part of that influence your social behavior?
What are Everyday Upstanders?
So, what is an Upstander? More or less, an Upstander is someone who takes action when someone around them needs help. This is the opposite of a bystander. Across the course of this semester, students work in collaboration with the Upstander Project to highlight everyday Upstanders that they interact with to highlight the positive impact that Upstanders have on their communities.
For this project, students created bios of someone around them who they think is an Upstander to highlight the ways in which the Upstander positively influences the community (but might not get recognition for it). Students selected one person from their own community that they would like to highlight as being an Upstander and interviewed them about why they engage in this behavior.
Want to know more about the course?
Submit your name and email address here and Dr. Ayers will get back to you.
© 2019